2014年8月18日 星期一

Getting row count and table size in Microsoft Azure SQL database

Azure SQL database in SQL Management Studio does not provide Disk Usage Report, here is a query to view the row count and page size by table.
       SUM(s.row_count) AS [Row Count],
                   SUM(reserved_page_count) * 8.0 / 1024 AS [Size in MB]
             FROM sys.dm_db_partition_stats, sys.objects
             WHERE sys.dm_db_partition_stats.object_id = sys.objects.object_id
             AND sys.objects.object_id = t.object_id
             GROUP BY sys.objects.name
       ) AS [Size in MB]
FROM sys.tables t
       INNER JOIN sys.dm_db_partition_stats s ON t.object_id = s.object_id
             AND t.type_desc = 'USER_TABLE'
             AND t.name NOT LIKE '%dss%'
             AND s.index_id = 1
GROUP BY t.object_id, t.name
ORDER BY t.name


2014年3月3日 星期一

Creating RamDisk in Mac OS X

Tested with Mac OS X version 10.9 Mavericks

  1. Create an AppleScript, e.g. /Users/eddiecjc/Documents/Scripts/RamDisk.scpt
    set isTmpDiskRunning to "false"
    set isRamdiskCreated to "false"
    tell application "Finder"
     if not (exists POSIX file "/Volumes/Ramdisk") then
      -- Method 1, may have problem with system hibernate.
      -- Creating RamDisk, with size 4GB (4 * 1024 * 1024 * 2)
      do shell script "diskutil erasevolume HFS+ RamDisk `hdiutil attach -nomount ram://$((4*1024*1024*2))`"
      -- Method 2, using Open Source software TpmDisk.
      --do shell script "
      --  open -a /Applications/TmpDisk.app --args -name=RamDisk -size=4096
      -- "
      --set isTmpDiskRunning to "true"
     end if
     repeat until isRamdiskCreated = "true"
      if exists POSIX file "/Volumes/Ramdisk" then
       set isRamdiskCreated to "true"
       display alert "Ramdisk is NOT created.
    Retry in 5 seconds..." as critical buttons {"I will wait"} giving up after 5
      end if
     end repeat
    end tell
    -- Create Folders
    set FolderPath to POSIX file "/Volumes/Ramdisk" as alias
    tell application "Finder"
      make new folder at FolderPath with properties {name:"Library Caches"}
      make new folder at FolderPath with properties {name:"Downloads"}
      make new folder at FolderPath with properties {name:"Temp"}
      make new folder at (POSIX file "/Volumes/Ramdisk/Temp" as alias) with properties {name:"Screenshots"}
      -- Set up symbolic link
      --sudo rm -r ~/Library/Caches
      --ln -s /Volumes/RamDisk/Library\ Caches ~/Library/Caches
      --sudo rm -r ~/Downloads
      --ln -s /Volumes/RamDisk/Downloads ~/Downloads
      -- Change screenshots default location
      -- defaults write com.apple.screencapture location /Volumes/Ramdisk/Temp/Screenshots
      -- killall SystemUIServer
     end try
    end tell
    if isTmpDiskRunning = "true" then
     -- Kill the process, so it does not take up the space from the task bar.
     set app_name to "TmpDisk"
     do shell script "killall " & app_name
    end if
    -- 1. Export this to type Application RamDisk.app.
    -- 2. Mark as Run-Only
    -- 3. Mark the file as executable with chmod +x .
    -- 4. Add RamDisk.app to Login Items in the Users & Groups. 
  2. Export the script to type Application, e.g. /Users/eddiecjc/Documents/Scripts/RamDisk.app, and mark it as Run-Only
  3. In Terminal, mark the file as executable, e.g. chmod +x /Users/eddiecjc/Documents/Scripts/RamDisk.app
  4. Add the script to run during start up
    1. Open System Preferences
    2. Go to Users & Groups
    3. Select the current user
    4. Go to Login Items tab
    5. Click on "+" and navigate to the RamDisk.app
    6. Repeat for other users that would need a RamDisk
  5. Run RamDisk.app to set up the RamDisk as a preparation for the remaining steps.
  6. Move stuff to Ramdisk:
    • Move ~/Library/Caches to Ramdisk
      sudo rm -r ~/Library/Caches
      ln -s /Volumes/RamDisk/Library\ Caches ~/Library/Caches
    • Move Downloads to Ramdisk
      sudo rm -r ~/Downloads
      ln -s /Volumes/RamDisk/Downloads ~/Downloads
    • Move screenshot default saving location to Ramdisk
      defaults write com.apple.screencapture location /Volumes/Ramdisk/Temp/Screenshots
      killall SystemUIServer
      Reference: http://simonemccallum.com/2013/08/11/how-to-change-the-default-location-for-your-mac-os-x-screenshots/
    • Change any default download location for apps (e.g. Chrome)
    • Change the unarchiver default working directory.
  7. If using the built-in command rather than TmpDisk, for laptops, change the hibernation mode, to prevent Ramdisk being ejected after hibernation.
    1. Find out the current hibernation mode:
      pmset -g | grep hibernatemode
      Default is 3 for laptops, indicating contents in the Ram will be written to the hard drive before going to hibernate mode.
    2. Change it to 0, so battery will still power the Ram (drawback is that if the battery is drained or power is lost, then resuming from hibernation would fail):
      sudo pmset -a hibernatemode 0
    3. Clean the disk space used previously for the hibernation:
      cd /var/vm
      sudo rm sleepimage
      Reference: http://blog.roodo.com/jason1204/archives/25384258.html and http://etherealmind.com/osx-hibernate-mode/
  8. Restart the Mac, Ramdisk should be created after log in.
Note: Mac OS X comes with built-in command to create virtual disks using ram, as described above, but there is a problem of Ramdisk disappearing after the hibernation. To get around this issue, there is an Open Source ramdisk tool called TmpDisk, download and install TmpDisk from http://inkscribbles.com/apps/tmpdisk/. Comment out method 1 in the script and uncomment to use method 2 instead.